Ministry Growth: Create Your Discipleship Strategy (BRETT WRITE)
Church Growth: How To Create Impactful Church Graphics

Ministry Resources You Didn’t Know You Had (Reedited)


In this video, we’ll discuss the importance of understanding your ministry resources and how to use them effectively to make your ministry more fruitful. Let’s dive in!

[Heading 1: Understanding Your Ministry Resources]

To prune your ministry wisely, it’s crucial to comprehend the resources you have and how they’re used.

[Heading 2: Time – Your Most Valuable Resource]

While financial resources may come to mind first, money isn’t your most vital resource. Time is your number one, most important resource. Unlike other resources, time only runs out, and you never know how much you have left.

[Heading 3: Attention – The Limited Commodity]

Both you and your audience have a limited amount of attention or “mental energy.” Ministry leaders can only focus on productive ministry activities for a certain amount of time. It’s essential to direct your audience’s attention to the right things in your ministry to avoid wasting this valuable resource.

[Heading 4: Energy – Your Physical Power]

Energy, or your physical power, is another limited resource. Although you might start your day on a full battery, you’ll only have so much energy to engage in tasks like helping and leading.

[Heading 5: Decision Fatigue]

Surprisingly, your decision-making ability is also limited. High-performance individuals call this phenomenon “decision fatigue.” When you reach this point, you’re no longer able to process information and make rational choices.

[Heading 6: Money – A Tool, Not the Solution]

Money, the most commonly understood ministry resource, is actually one of the least important when it comes to growth. Money serves as a tool to create more of what you already have. Attempting to fix growth problems with money will only exacerbate your issues. A successful ministry doesn’t rely solely on money. Learning to use your other ministry resources effectively will allow you to invest your financial resources for the kingdom properly.

[Outro: Wrapping Up]

That’s it for today’s video on understanding and effectively using your ministry resources. Remember, the key to a successful ministry is making wise decisions with your resources to create the most fruitful impact.

[Engagement Question]

Now, we’d love to hear from you: How have you successfully managed your ministry resources to make a positive impact? Share your experiences in the comments below!


Time: Your number one, most important resource is time. You can get more of any other resource, many of which renew every day. But time only runs out. Worse yet, you never know how much time you have.

Attention: Attention is a limited commodity for both you and your audience. In other words, attention can be described as “mental energy”. As you well know, ministry leaders can only focus on productive ministry activity for so long. You can only pay attention in so many meetings, and you can only focus on ministry tasks for so long.

Your audience also has a limited attention span. If you are going to use their attention, it’s critical that you channel it to the CORRECT things in your ministry. Wasting your audience’s attention resources is doubly negative for your ministry. Not only do you lose that opportunity to produce fruit for your ministry because you channeled the audience’s attention into something unfruitful, but you also lose future opportunities because your audience no longer trusts you with their attention (more on this later).

Energy: Energy is the amount of physical power you have. Think of it as your battery. Even if you start your day on a full battery (which you probably don’t, on many days) you’ll only have so much energy to be actively engaged in tasks such as helping, leading, etc.

Decisions: Believe it or not, your ability to make decisions is also limited! High-performance people have a name for this – decision fatigue. Once you’ve reached the point of decision fatigue, you will no longer be able to process information in such a way that you can make rational choices.

Money: As you already know, money is a limited resource. This is the most commonly understood ministry resource. Counter to what many people are led to believe, this is one of the least important resources when it comes to growth. Money only acts as a tool to create more of what you already have. If you try to fix growth problems with money, it will only increase your problems instead of resolving them. Money is not what makes a ministry successful, which is why you don’t need money to create a flourishing ministry. If you are able to make a fruitful ministry on a tight budget, then your ministry will grow even more as the money starts to come in. As you learn to properly use your other ministry resources, you will also be able to properly invest your financial resources for the kingdom.

Discussion Question: Now, we’d love to hear from you: What one or two recourses are in the shortest supply in your ministry and why? Share your experiences in the comments below!

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