Ministry Growth: Create Your Discipleship Strategy (BRETT WRITE)
Church Growth: How To Create Impactful Church Graphics

Set Your Key Performance Indicators (Reedited) (PDF)


One of the most difficult parts of implementing training like this course is the ability to translate the theory into measurable results.

For this reason, it’s important that you and your ministry team choose and agree upon the Key Performance Indicators that will indicate success for each step in your audience journey.

A Key performance indicator is a quantifiable measure used to evaluate the successful progress toward strategic objectives.

(Audience/Internal/Growth/Financial Perspectives)

Once you know which steps your audience members should be taking to move from the door to the core of your ministry, it’s time to pair each step with a tangible metric that tells you how successful your ministry is in accomplishing each step. 

Here are some example metrics to consider.

Audience Journey Step 1: First-time user visits the website. (Track the number of monthly first-time users)

Audience Journey Step 2: First-time users provide their name email and phone number in exchange for a free prayer guide. This is known as a conversion. (Track the number of conversions each month and the rate at which people convert on your website.)

Audience Journey Step 3: Show up at prayer night. (Track the number of people who showed up for prayer nights that month and the rate at which people who signed up, showed up).

[Action Step] Download the PDF worksheet and take some time with your team to decide on what one or two metrics you will measure that will indicate success for each step on your churchgoer journey.

In the section on data-based decision-making, we will take these numbers and put them on a useful journeycard that you can distribute to all your ministry leaders.


In this video, we’ll discuss how to translate the theory from this course into measurable results by using Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). We’ll also provide examples of potential metrics to consider for different steps in your audience’s journey.

Understanding Key Performance Indicators

Key Performance Indicators are quantifiable measures used to evaluate progress toward strategic objectives.

KPIs can be divided into four perspectives: audience, internal, growth, and financial.

Identifying KPIs for each step of your audience’s journey helps ensure your ministry is effectively moving toward its goals.

Examples of Metrics for Audience Journey Steps

Churchgoer Journey Step 1: First-time user visits website.

Metric: Track the number of monthly first-time users.

Churchgoer Journey Step 2: First-time users provide their contact information in exchange for a free prayer guide.

Metric: Track the number of conversions each month and the conversion rate on your website.

Churchgoer Journey Step 3: Show up at prayer night.

Metric: Track the number of people who attended prayer nights that month and the attendance rate for those who signed up.

Choosing Metrics and Implementing Them

Work with your ministry team to decide on one or two metrics for each step in your audience’s journey.

Focus on metrics that accurately indicate success for each step.

In the data-based decision-making section, we’ll use these numbers to create a journey card for your ministry leaders.

To successfully implement the theory from this course into your ministry, it’s crucial to choose and agree upon Key Performance Indicators for each step in your audience’s journey. These KPIs will help you evaluate your ministry’s progress and effectiveness.

ACTION STEP: Download the PDF worksheet and take some time with your team to decide on what one or two metrics you will measure that will indicate success for each step on your churchgoer journey. This will enable you to make data-driven decisions and optimize your ministry’s performance.

What Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) do you think will be most effective in measuring your ministry’s progress and success? Share your thoughts and insights in the comments below!

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