Ministry Growth: Create Your Discipleship Strategy (BRETT WRITE)
Church Growth: How To Create Impactful Church Graphics

Ruthless Elimination (Reedited)


Welcome to today’s video, where we’ll explore the importance of enduring present sacrifices to reap future rewards in your ministry. Let’s dive into this essential concept!

[Heading 1: The Connection Between Sacrifice and Prosperity]

Continuing with the theme of present sacrifice for future rewards, it’s crucial to understand that the degree to which you suffer now is the same degree to which you will prosper later. Sometimes, taking drastic measures may seem extreme to others, but these calculated choices can bring about significant future benefits.

[Heading 2: A Personal Example of Embracing Sacrifice]

Let’s examine a time in my life when it appeared like I was going insane, but in reality, I was making a calculated choice to bring about future benefits.

When my wife and I moved to Hawaii, we refused to purchase a vehicle for over two years. We intentionally organized our lives to be close to everything we needed and invested in electric scooters instead. The money we saved was allocated to future investments, which eventually allowed us to purchase cash-flowing assets and generate a new revenue stream for our family.

[Heading 3: The Benefits of Ruthless Elimination]

At first, our friends questioned our decision not to buy a car. Later on, they marveled at how we were able to start a profitable business seemingly out of thin air. By paying a heavy price in those years, God blessed our efforts with a reward that far outweighed the cost. You’ll see similar results in your ministry if you’re willing to ruthlessly eliminate all dead or dying areas.

[Heading 4: The Power of Bold Decisions]

If you decide to take bold action when required, the odds of your ministry thriving down the road will increase substantially. Embrace the challenges and sacrifices now to ensure a prosperous future for your ministry.

[Outro: Encouragement to Embrace Sacrifice]

That’s it for today’s video on the importance of enduring present sacrifices for future rewards in your ministry. Remember, sometimes taking bold action and making tough decisions can lead to incredible growth and success.

[Engagement Question]

Now, we’d love to hear from you: Have you made a sacrifice in your ministry that led to significant growth and rewards later on? Share your experiences in the comments below!


Continuing with the theme of present sacrifice for future rewards, I want to further incentivize your willingness to endure the pain that leads to fruit in the future.

What I didn’t mention earlier was that the degree to which you suffer now is the same degree to which you will prosper later.

There are times when other people will think you’re going off your rocker when you show up with a chainsaw instead of pruning shears.

Let’s look at a time in my life when it seemed like I was going insane when in reality I was making a calculated choice to bring about future benefits.

When my wife and I moved to Hawaii we refused to purchase a vehicle for over two years. Instead, we intentionally ordered our lives so that we would be close to everything we needed. We then paid $300 cash for two electric scooters and put all of the money we would have otherwise spent on vehicle expenses into an account dedicated to future investments. This account later allowed us to purchase cash-flowing assets that bring in an entirely new stream of revenue for our family.

At first, our friends were wondering what kind of crazy people move across the country and chose not to buy a car. Later on, they wondered how we were able to start a profitable business, seemingly out of thin air.

We paid a heavy price during those years, then God blessed our efforts later with a reward that far outweighed the price. You will see this happening in your ministry if you are willing to ruthlessly eliminate all areas of your ministry that are dead or dying.

If you decide that you’re willing to get out the chainsaw when it’s required, then the odds of your ministry thriving down the road have already increased substantially.

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